How to Decide Step One


So you've created your vision and now what? 

One of the biggest roadblocks you'll have on this journey on the bridge to your vision is figuring out the...

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Entrepreneur Boundaries


Here we go into a new seasonnnnnn!


As an entrepreneur who has worked from home for over 12 years and a single parent of two, I know how hard this season...

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Embracing the Flow: Trusting in Divine Timing


We are sucked into this fast-paced world, making it easy to get caught up in the frenzy of hustle and bustle.

Society often glorifies the notion of...

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The Art of Pivoting



Pivots need to happen.

More often than we'd like.


It's the need to release of expectations around what things "should" look like and instead,...

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5 Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs



  1. Take breaks

    Hustle mode is so 2015.
    Listen, I get it. Your to-do list is a mile long and the thought of taking more breaks seems counter-productive.
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A Quick Fix to Overwhelm


I’ve been there. Completely stuck in overwhelm.


I made a conscious decision to watch Netflix instead of journaling.

I got lost in scrolling...

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Time is your Currency

Time is your currency and how you spend it matters.


I’ve been in this habit of sharing my daily routine on social media for years now. You see it all, how...

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700 Pages Journaled



"Wow - 700 pages. I flipped back to page 300 just to compare because it feels like a lifetime ago. I started by complaining about missing...

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Recharge to Increase Productivity



How I disconnect is just as important as how I plug in. I mean it.

As an Entrepreneur earning multi-six figures and a single mom of...

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Dear Fear...


"Dear Fear,

Listen, I come with love.

Really. I can look back at my life and see all the opportunities, rescue missions, and ways you kept me...

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Consistency = A Series of Daily Decisions


Consistency is key when it comes to forming any habits that we are looking to develop.

Whether it's sticking to a workout routine or practicing a new skill, the...

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5 Daily Habits that reduce my Anxiety

5 Daily Habits that reduce my Anxiety:

For years, I just accepted that waking up with a pit in my stomach was normal. I figured the racing heart beat and worry was...

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find the time once and for all 

Get your FREE gap finder journal

We often talk about not having enough time to think, breathe, or even eat. Created from my own experience, the gap finder journal will help you make the time.

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