Recharge to Increase Productivity
How I disconnect is just as important as how I plug in. I mean it.
As an Entrepreneur earning multi-six figures and a single mom of two teens, my unplug is what saves me.
I've had seasons where my identify was hustle-mode and while there were pros in my paycheck, the downside was serious burnout, illness, and my body screaming at me to slow down.
I had to really figure out how to maintain my work ethic, focus, and productivity while being able to take care of myself in the process.
Some call it balance.
I call it flow.
It took me a good year to really figure it out.
I'm going to help you make this a quicker learning experience by sharing a few things that work for me.
When work is off, there is a flow I go into that allows me to turn work off and leave it off.
Working with clients one on one, the biggest issue they have is the inability to turn work off and leave it off. It often goes home with them or prevents them from being fully present with their family at night because work and the stresses are still on their mind.
FIRST - I time block my day.
I determine my work hours. As an entrepreneur working from home, I get to decide what mine look like.
I work from 9am - 4pm every single day. I outline that on my TIME BLOCK PLANNER and then fill in all of my calls, appointments, and non-negotiables.
Next, I work on making a master "dump list" of all the to-dos in my day. These are work to-dos, phone calls I need to make, personal or otherwise, emails I need to send, blogs to write, whatever the focus needs to be for that week.
And then, all the little brain dumps get filled into the gaps & crevices of my work day.
The final step is to draw up the willpower to follow through and do what you say you're going to do.
A plan is nothing without action.
CUE 4:00 PM ------------
Here are a few of my favorite ways to recharge:
- ride & work with my horse
- play & train with Archie outside
- take my time doing my evening skincare routine
- read a smut book in bed
- watch an episode of @loveisland
- take a long walk to catch the sunset
- pause to soak in the moments
- put on some music & make myself dinner
- go to a yoga & reiki class once a week
- lay on the back patio & watch the clouds
- having a consistent bed time
What allows you to slow down, recharge, step into the moment a little bit more? Your list doesn't have to look like mine, but what lights you up?
What helps your brain slow down, your thoughts calm and your body rest? Make a list of the things that pop into your head.
We tend to think that scrolling social media or falling into a Netflix binge is the only way we can disconnect when the truth is that those things are making us more tense, more stressed out, and our thoughts to get a little more wild.
Smartphone use during a work break leads to mental fatigue, poorer performance.
Make a RECHARGE list for yourself.
Thinking of that highest version of yourself, what would she be doing to recharge after work?
You’ve just gotta find your rhythm.