Time is your Currency

business ownership consistency daily habits daily routine energy management entrepreneurship growth mindset money mindset routine time management Apr 20, 2023

Time is your currency and how you spend it matters.


I’ve been in this habit of sharing my daily routine on social media for years now. You see it all, how I wake up each morning, what my flow looks like, and what habits I have.

You see how I start my work day and some of the things involved in that, along with how I turn work off.

You see some of my evening flow - but not all of it - because one of the boundaries I have in the evening is limiting social media.


Yes, my morning routine is important.

Yes, how I structure my day is important.

Yes, movement.

Yes, journaling.

Yes, pause. Slow down. Be intentional. Ride horses. Play with puppies. 


^^ this flow, the one you watch day after day, is possible because I’ve applied my tools for consistency, organization, flow, energy, and structure to my business.


My business is the biggest constant in my day. It’s my anchor. It’s been that way for the last 11 years of my life. Lemme show you:


2005: graduated high school & met a boy

2006: gave birth to my first daughter

2007: got married & had my second daughter

2008: developed eating disorders

2009: battled with husbands drug addictions

2010: struggled with depression

2011: dealt with husbands numerous affairs

2012: filed for divorce & bankruptcy

2013: started my own wellness business

2014: competed as a bikini competitor

2015: diagnosed with mild Ulcerative Colitis

2016: divorced my husband

2017: became single parent & health crumbled

2018: large intestine removed & ileostomy placed

2019: started to heal mind & body

2020: the world fell apart + I shed my skin

2021: rediscovered who I am & shifted my business

2022: focused on complete mind/body/soul healing

2023: stepping into the next level, Raina.


Since 2013 I have had a vision for what I wanted my life to look like and I worked every single day to grow a business that would allow me to make that vision a reality.

Once I decided what I wanted my future to look like, the universe decided to insert curveballs.


An autoimmune diagnosis.


Single parenting.

Severe illness.





A global pandemic…


Throughout ever single life event, I had to work on pivoting & restructuring my day & flow in a way that works for me in the season I was in.

Some seasons required rest.

Some required hustle.


I had let go of “should do’s” and focus on being more intentional with the time I have.

I had to create boundaries around when I started my work & when I stopped, so I could show up confidence and energy the next day.


BECAUSE of this, I’ve built a multi-six figure business from nothing.

I’m the sole provider of my two kids and two pups.

I have freedom to do the things I love like riding horses and tending to my plant babies.

I have flexibility to travel and enjoy my life with the people I love.


BECAUSE OF MY HABITS, my business also thrives.


I find myself talking to more an more entrepreneurs who feel stuck, are in burnout, feel like they’re lacking direction, and/or they don’t have enough time in the day.

My favorite thing to help them with is figuring out to make the vision they have a reality, helping them see that they do have the time, and to helping you strategize what that looks like for you (because it’s different for everyone).


I help you create the vision.

I help you design the structure.

I help you with tools for consistency.

And I help you optimize your time & money freedom.


It’s more than a daily routine.

It’s more than time management; it’s energy management.

It’s the missing piece.


I’m going to start talking about entrepreneurship more.

I’m going to start talking about money.

Lack mindset & abundance mindset.

I’m going to start being real and honest with you about how your entire routine is determining the success you are or aren’t having in that dream business/job you’re searching for.


Through divorce, my businesses grew.

Through illness & surgeries, my business grew.

Through single parenting, my business grows.

Through life pivots (which are constant), my business (and I) grow.


Time & money is no longer an excuse.

Both are available to you, you just have be a bit more intentional with them.








one on one coaching for life/work balance & growth




find the time once and for all 

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We often talk about not having enough time to think, breathe, or even eat. Created from my own experience, the gap finder journal will help you make the time.

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