Change your thoughts, Change your world

30 days of journaling to help you dig into the depths of overwhelm, grab it by the - you know what - and turn the thoughts that are paralyzing you into productive tools so you can develop more consistency in your day.



  • Managing the busy-ness of your day without overwhelm
  • Waking up without stress or worry of your big to-do list
  • Being able to turn off work and easily turn on relax-mode to disconnect from your day
  • Having clarity and focus throughout your week
  • Turning off auto-pilot and being consistent with healthy habits

You know you need to make a change but you're...

  • Having a hard time making yourself a priority
  • Not sure where to start & lacking direction
  • Trying all the checklists you can find on Pinterest but not sticking to it
  • Stuck in the cycle of worry, anxiety and overwhelm that never ends

I get it. I've been there and you deserve better. 

That's why I created
Change your thoughts, Change your world

30 days of journaling to take you from overwhelmed to consistent AF.

Daily journal prompts 

Self-paced video guides

Live recorded calls


Hey, I'm Raina

Over the last decade, I’ve mastered consistency in my own journey. I’ve always been proud of my ability to adjust to the flow of life as different challenges would come my way instead of allowing life to throw me “off track.” Making me a priority is a non-negotiable for me. 

For years, I shared my entire journey on social media. I made it a point to share my consistency daily from what I ate for breakfast to what my workouts looked like and everything in between. I quickly realized that people aren’t struggling with the how-to, that’s all over the internet for free.  Instead, I feel like we need to talk about why you aren’t doing those things consistently. 

Our routines, habits, and thoughts play such a big role in how we show up for ourselves. Every day within this course, I will walk you through uncovering what’s getting in your way, keeping you from waking up with energy and going to bed feeling accomplished. While thoughtlessly venting complaints makes your day worse, it’s been shown that writing in a journal about upsetting events and giving attention to your thoughts and emotions, can foster growth and healing; not only mentally, but physically.

Enroll Now

Hey, I'm Raina

Over the last decade, I’ve mastered consistency in my own journey. I’ve always been proud of my ability to adjust to the flow of life as different challenges would come my way instead of allowing life to throw me “off track.” Making me a priority is a non-negotiable for me. 

For years, I shared my entire journey on social media. I made it a point to share my consistency daily from what I ate for breakfast to what my workouts looked like and everything in between. I quickly realized that people aren’t struggling with the how-to, that’s all over the internet for free.  Instead, I feel like we need to talk about why you aren’t doing those things consistently

Our routines, habits, and thoughts play such a big role in how we show up for ourselves. Every day within this course, I will walk you through uncovering what’s getting in your way, keeping you from waking up with energy and going to bed feeling accomplished. While thoughtlessly venting complaints makes your day worse, it’s been shown that writing in a journal about upsetting events and giving attention to your thoughts and emotions, can foster growth and healing; not only mentally, but physically.


"Wow I had more to get out then I thought! I filled two pages with ease and there was A LOT  there! I am so happy I am taking this time for myself."



"Wow. This uncovered a lot for me. Especially what thoughts I need to let go of. I realize my  thoughts are very mean and negative. Shifting my thoughts could shift my behaviors and only  help me achieve greater stability in my life."


I just feel soooo more alive and myself when I am implementing cues/habits that I can keep.  Each time I add on something as a cue to build a new habit, I am teaching myself that I am  trustworthy and learning to trust myself again is possible because I don't break these  promises. They fit right in with ease because I'm not going against my own humanness. I am all  about this week's topic that keeps on getting better and better. THANK YOU. I feel already  transformed in my days and so excited about journaling where it feels like the inner critic is  chilling the off down with her b.s."


 "I just have to share with you that before I started the journaling course, I felt so lost and  frantic, basically surviving from day to day. Half way through the course now and I realize that I  actually have more of a routine than I thought, even though I work shift-work. Just realizing that  I have a routine of some sort has made me feel better, now I just keep tweaking it to  incorporate more movement and peace into my days! I also love dumping all my crazy  thoughts into my journal and today realized that it is my thoughts that affect my mood most of  all!"



Need a Jumpstart?

If you're unsure where to start, let's start by creating the vision for where you wanna go. Here's a free download to help you get started.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Vision Builder