Intentionally Unstuck

A blueprint for creating a dailyĀ flowĀ and maintaining consistency, no matter how much is on your plate.

Imagine your procrastination didn't exist...

Instead of being stuck in paralysis as the alarm goes off, and hitting snooze several times until guilt finally pulls you to your feet - imagine you go about your day with energy, increased productivity, finding joy in the little things, while being fully present when and where you need to be.

You lay your head down at night feeling motivated, yet ready to rest, knowing tomorrow is going to feel completely aligned.  

Imagine that was a flow you could maintain, putting an end to self-sabotage that's keeping you stuck.

Maybe youā€¦
  • Struggle to slow down, and feel guilt and overwhelm whenever you think about resting or taking time for yourself.
  • Crave consistency in your day, but struggle with time management and prioritizing the things that matter the most.
  • Have a habit of self-sabotage and throwing your hands in the air saying “fuck it” when a pivot in your routine is needed.
  • Just feel off - you know that something needs to shift, but you don’t know where to start.
What if I showed you another way to make it through your day - one without overwhelm, stress, procrastination, anxiety, and fear making the choices for you?
Want help creating your beautiful (and sustainable) flow?


I’ve spent the last decade pivoting my routine as life happened around me - through divorce, illness that lead to several surgeries, single parenting two teenagers, battling bankruptcy, getting back in the dating game, traveling, moving into new homes, relocating to new states, and more.

I’ve mastered a system to maintain consistency in the things that make me feel good. This exact system is what has been giving me the energy to grow multiple businesses as an entrepreneur, while showing up as the sole provider for my teenagers. It has also been a crucial part of helping me find more joy in my life, discover new hobbies, and maintain balance through it all. 

And I'm here to help you do the same. Together we will create a personalized framework...

  • That feels less restrictive and more like a rhythm.
  • That includes the things you love and need to do, and prioritizing yourself, not just someone else’s checklist. 
  • That excites you when you wake up and leaves you feeling accomplished as you close your eyes at night. 
  • That allows you to design a life that brings you joy, while also increasing your productivity.


In this course, Iā€™m going to teach you how to...

Being stuck in procrastination and overwhelm, with paralyzing cycles of overthinking draining your energy
Approaching your day with confidence and intention around your to-do list, by prioritizing what's important

Feeling stuck in a hustle mentality, feeling unable to unplug or be present in the moment
Unplugging without guilt, while silencing the negative thoughts, limiting beliefs, and/or wired ideas

Feeling stuck in burnout-mode, unable to see a clear vision for the future, and unsure where to start
Having a vision so clear you can feel it in every cell in your body, making it easier to pivot, set boundaries, and release your fears
If you're ready to go from overwhelmed, stressed, and on the brink of burnout - to energized, at peace, consistent, and insanely productive but you need someone who's been there and done that to guide the way...

Intentionally Unstuck is for you!

Your blueprint to creating a daily routine and maintaining consistency, no matter how much is on your plate.

Hear what my 1:1 clients have to say....

"Raina is a rare spirit. I aligned with her whole vibe on Instagram months ago, and when I hit a transitional phase in my own life, I reached out to do one-on-one coaching. I’ve always been pretty good with establishing routines but I could tell my daily schedule wasn’t leaving me fulfilled at the end of the day. After just a few meetings with her, we dialed into the gaps in the day and how I could fill them in a way that aligned with my bigger life goals. She’s really gotten me thinking, and I feel like my path is become clearer each day. Thanks, Raina!!"

- Ginny C.

"Raina has been working with me for awhile. She has assisted in keeping me focused, learning what I need, creating obtainable goals, and getting the negativity out along with learning to like who I can be. She has been amazing, understanding and blunt. Raina is a very positive part of my transformation. I can’t thank her enough."

- Michael

"Working with Raina has helped me clear the gunk and get back to what my intentions and alignment. I always feel seen heard and understood. She really LISTENS and ask questions and responds based on what I have to say. It never feels like some text book response, she truly puts herself in my position and asks questions to help me level up. I feel completely comfortable and not judged. I always leave the calls feeling a better energy and a clear vision. Calm and confident about my intentions. I appreciate working with Raina more than I could put into words. There’s something really special about the way she serves."

- Stephanie

"Raina is just amazing! She shows up calm and confident and makes you feel at ease. She’s asks the questions that you need to answer to truly get yourself moving in the direction you want to go. I think the best part is she genuinely wants you to succeed and is really rooting for you. I love that she took notes and would send the follow up email afterwards. Working with Raina was so amazing and I can’t wait to start up again!"

- Danny

"I started following Raina in IG about a year ago. Her story resonated with me, single parent, health issues and building the life that works for HER. I was interested in every aspect. Health and wellness felt like a dream for others. I began to wonder (dream) if this vibrant life could be possible for me. Her guidance is like no one I have worked with. Encouraging, helpful but also not letting you make excuses that we all tend to make when trying to make changes. Her journaling program is a must for anyone that has the curiosity to dive deep and find what is truly meaningful to their lives. It's a never ending ongoing process."

- Kerri N.

"Working with Raina has been a breath of fresh air. I am finding my routine and the things I need to do to take care of myself. I am more consistent than I ever have been. I am going deeper into my healing than ever before. I love that she's not afraid to get right in there with all the feels and call you out on your crap. She makes you feel seen and heard."

- Nicole

I'm so glad you're here!

Hi! I'm Raina

I created Intentionally Unstuck after [what feels like] a lifetime of experience in failures and complicated life events - from growing up in a very poor community, to starting my own business from scratch (with two little ones) while battling eating disorders.

Then later, getting an autoimmune diagnosis and a permanent ileostomy, filing for divorce from an addict, and adjusting to single parenting - all while continuing to grow as an entrepreneur and single woman in her 30's... and somehow, managing to prioritize the things that feel good and allow me to show up as my best self.

It hasn't been easy, but having a solid flow in place (that will also allow for pivoting when needed...) is a true life saver! At least it has been for me, which is why I have gathered all my hard earned lessons and silver linings for you in Intentionally Unstuck. 

Intentionally Unstuck is a self-paced, 100% online program with a blueprint that is going to take you from stuck in procrastination & paralyzed by fear-based thinking to:
  • Showing up excitedly for a routine that fills your cup and checks all of your boxes
  • Taking control of your time instead of living on autopilot
  • Living confidently with necessary boundaries in place
  • Enjoying the rhythm you created, in full alignment with your vision

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.

Intentionally Unstuck: Life Strategy Modules

Identify Where You're Stuck
Module 1 helps you do a deep dive into identifying where you are in life from your surroundings, your roles, and your mindset.


Life Wheel Exercise
In Module 2 we gain a deeper understanding and awareness around areas in your life you'd like to improve or shift.


Create a Vision
My favorite part, in Module 3 I will walk you through a process of creating a vision for what you want your life and routine to look like.


Write it Down & Dump it Out
Module 4 will teach you the strategy I use when I journal, what to dive into, and includes several prompts to get you started. 


Gap-Finder Journal
This isn't a normal journal. In Module 5, I'll teach you how to find the gaps in your day and/or help you find the areas where you waste time.


Determining your Non-Negotiables
We'll work together to identify your non-negotiables & new habits that you're looking to gain more consistency around.


Create a Joy List
Module 7 is all about helping you find joy in the little things and become more intentional with creating space for them. 


Your Current Routine
In Module 8, we'll pull out your Gap-Finder Journal to get clarity around what your current routine looks like & what needs to shift. 


Identify Roadblocks & Set Boundaries
Module 9 will help you anticipate what's going to get in the way of your consistency & help you get ahead of it. 


Your New Routine
Let's create your beautiful in between. In Module 10, we will work on making your vision come to life. 


Time Blocking
In Module 11, we walk through my process of putting a plan onto paper, making it all fit, and structuring your routine in a way that feels good.


Implement & Pivot
Implementing the new routine & learning how to pivot when life throws you curve balls, you'll learn how to go with the flow in Module 12. 

And the best part? You get immediate access as soon as you enroll, which means that you can start getting unstuck with the first module right away! This isn't a Course you'll buy and not complete as there will live sessions weekly to help hold you accountable.
Join Intentionally Unstuck today!
Choose the best plan for you...
  • 50+ Video Lessons
  • 50+ Journaling Prompts
  • Course PDFā€™s & Worksheets
  • Book Recommendations
  • Instant Access toĀ the Entire CourseĀ 
  • 50+ Video Lessons
  • 50+ Journaling Prompts
  • Course PDFā€™s & Worksheets
  • Book Recommendations
  • Instant Access toĀ the Entire Course
Need more proof...

By the end of this group-led course, you will have…

  • A clear vision & idea of where you’re going and what you want your life to look like, without fear of the "what if’s".
  • More awareness & understanding of your thought processes and mindset.
  • Identified the things in your life that are non-negotiable & be crystal clear on what brings you joy.
  • Pinpointed your distractions & roadblocks and established boundaries so that you can  prevent these in the future - without guilt.
  • Created a daily routine that checks all of your boxes and feels fully aligned. 
  • Learned how to pivot and maintain consistency when life throws you a curveball - this will be huge in preventing overwhelm or paralysis.
  • Shifted the spaces in your home to align with your vision and daily habits.
  • Learned how to time block your entire day to create more organization, structure, and freedom in all areas of your life.

If the idea of this makes you feel a sense of instant relief and excitement, then what are you waiting for?

If you're still reading, there's something holding you back.
You may be asking yourself...
Intentionally Unstuck is specifically designed for the...
  • Entrepreneur stuck in fear-based procrastination.
  • Mom stuck in guilt.
  • Divorcee stuck trying to start over.
  • Single parent stuck in overwhelm.
  • Autoimmune warrior stuck in a should-mindset.
  • People pleaser who's stuck in their thoughts.
  • Employee who is stuck in misalignment.
  • Perfectionist feeling stuck and unsure where to start.
  • Healthcare worker who is stuck constantly caring for everyone but themselves.
  • … And anyone feeling stuck in a space that no longer aligns with where they actually want to go.
Join Intentionally Unstuck today!
Choose the best plan for you...
  • 50+ Video Lessons
  • 50+ Journaling Prompts
  • Course PDFā€™s & Worksheets
  • Book Recommendations
  • Instant Access toĀ theĀ Entire Course
  • 50+ Video Lessons
  • 50+ Journaling Prompts
  • Course PDFā€™s & Worksheets
  • Book Recommendations
  • Instant Access toĀ theĀ Entire Course


If you're unsure where to start, let's start by creating the vision for where you wanna go. Here's a free download to help you get started.

FREE DOWNLOAD: Vision Builder